The Potting Balcony Garden
at RHS Chelsea Flower Show
In May 2022 we were thrilled to exhibit our debut garden design “The Potting Balcony garden sponsored by Viking” at RHS Chelsea Flower Show. We were blown away by the hugely positive response to the tiny garden from the flower show visitors and were extremely proud to be awarded a Silver-Gilt medal by the RHS judges.
The tiny space was filled with edible plants, it featured two espaliered apple trees, an apricot tree, a selection of herbs, strawberries, and salad crops. The garden also featured a glimpse of future garden technology with a smart mini-greenhouse which is perfect for growing micro-greens with lighting, temperature and irrigation all controlled via a smartphone app!
The design featured custom made planters and work surfaces made from recycled plastics including plant pots and yogurt pots. Although most of the features were custom made for the space they were designed to be modular so that all elements could be moved to different space and planters were made with wheels so they could be easily moved.

Viking, the award-winning small ship cruise line, is delighted to sponsor William Murray’s Potting Balcony Garden, which provides inspiration for gardeners with limited space. Viking is a long-time supporter of the RHS, and William's clever use of space aligns with the ethos on the Viking ships, which celebrates great design, and in particular the ocean ships on which every stateroom has a veranda, giving each guest a beautiful and private outdoor space. Viking is proud to offer the most awarded river cruises in the world, as well as the most exciting ocean cruises aboard stunning, Scandinavian- inspired ships. And with the recent launch of our first expedition ship to Antarctica, there are now few destinations you cannot explore in Viking comfort.